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The Traveler


About Stacy

Full Name: Stacy Marie Carson
Age: 110 (appears about 27, now immortal)
Species: Cosmic Fey (previously Earth Human)
Height & Weight: 5'4, 115
Hair: Shoulder length, silver/white (usually)
Eyes: Vibrant purple (usually)

Relationship: single

Titles: The Traveler (Terra)
Occupation: Doing whatever she wants & being a new Cosmic Fey


Within Simul: Currently lives in Arbrestor, travels around Simul doing just about anything, encountering people, looking for fun


​Within Other Places: Doesn’t know how she ended up here (probably trial and error aka "accident"), just going to go about her business trying to blend in by doing whatever necessary to adapt to local culture.

​​Physical Stats

Strength: Lift up to 250 lbs

Stamina: Run a marathon (26 miles) in 3 hours

Endurance: Can withstand hypothermia up to 10 posts before suffering, cannot be frozen to death (but can be frozen into stasis). If uninjured can withstand being in space up to 3 posts before being forced into nebulous form.

Mental Fortitude: Overall 7/10

  • Against Charms 3/10 (easily charmed)

  • Against Illusion 9/10 (has Magic Eye, listed in abilities)

Magic Resistance: Overall 4/10​

  • Can see in absolute darkness natural & magical (Magic Eye)

  • Can withstand/stand against/up-to most wind/air-based abilities

Immunities: Overall 6/10

  • Immune to common colds/illness.

  • Immune to fire (natural & magical)


Physical Prowess: Stacy has trained extensively with the sword; however she is best versed with the glaive or other pole arms, preferring to stay out of reach. She is lithe, agile and swift, often using the air to help her with her movements. She can dance but is not terribly graceful on the regular. She does not possess much in the way of physical strength (punching, kicking) in combat and instead relies on her abilities to help with those things.


Looks: As Stacy now able to change how she looks (explained under abilities), she most often looks human in shape and typical in coloration but will change her skin, hair, or eye color as she likes. Her hair is medium length, often cut just above the shoulder or just at, the ends curling softly (usually silver/white in color). Her eyes are typical in shape but now with a slightly larger than average iris (usually a purple hue). Sometimes Stacy's eyes and skin will shimmer and glint like starlight or sometimes show constellations or other cosmic things. Her body type is slim but athletic, although she might be a little toned in her arms or legs from work or training, she doesn't really do muscular. She wears a bracelet that was a Christmas present from Ifirit. It has an enchantment which makes her ears pointed, so she has "elf ears" (listed in items).

Special Markings:
Tattoo of golden wings across her shoulders and back.
Has special properties (listed in abilities).

Wardrobe: Stacy wears whatever armor she can find or is given and her wardrobe is kept the same way. Currently it is mostly full of medieval-type clothing: skirts (red, green, blue, black), white chemises/smocks (knee length and short) “blouses”, and some leather leggings/pants, black bodices (some with decorative threading), and leather boots. She has also been given an excessive amount of extravagant “fantasy-type” fancy robes and dresses from an old man (Mr Crowley) she had worked for doing house work (which she prefers to wear). She keeps a lot of clothing in her bag-of-holding. From Mr Crowley she also received some jewelry which she is starting to enjoy wearing. She has a falconry glove which she usually has tucked into a belt or strapped to a shoulder pad which she wears for her hawk Acidus to rest on. If she visits more modern settings (Celestia) she also has jeans, pants, regular t-shirts, more modern dresses and clothing. She now always wears a bracelet given to her by Rose, one from Ifirit, her Celestial Stone, and her armlet/armband which is her "coat" of council in Celestia.


Personality: Beyond doing what is necessary for basic survival, Stacy is carefree, often not serious, “free spirit, fun loving” and kind. She is a great friend to have and her loyalty can run deep. She can be infuriatingly dense at times (or choose to be, perhaps) and can jump to conclusions, riding them so hard as to get herself worked up for little reason.

While she will always side with good or just morals, and will never side with those that subjugate others - she is going about life doing things her way for once. She will only join a fight if it comes to her or her friends, but she is no longer actively searching out the "darkness" or morally corrupted. She does not like killing and will do all in her power to avoid it.

Having chosen to become a Cosmic Fey, Stacy is now on a new path of discovery and new adventures. She's (almost) ready for anything and willing to accept the things thrown at her - because how else will she learn in this newfound life?


Brief History: Stacy was born on Earth (1987), in 2007 she was "taken" to a place called Terra where she learned Fire & Air abilities (which she has mastered over time). She returned to Earth attempted to "save the day" but found herself "taken" elsewhere and has been world/portal hopping since. The last place she appeared was Simul and Umbraris respectively. A lot has happened and currently in the grief over the loss of a loved one, she has been offered a new adventure: to become a Cosmic Fey.


Current: As a Cosmic Fey her job is to observe and participate (as desired) in all the Universe has to offer. Everything she sees and experiences is bound within a Celestial Stone (listed in items) and if need be or wanted, accessible to all other Cosmic Fey. Being a new Cosmic Fey, Stacy is still learning about the new abilities she has been gifted by others through the Celestial Stone, along with simply living her life to the funnest and fullest.


Stacy does not travel alone. She has Acidus - a “Celestial Hawk” who has been similarly affected by magic/space-time and travels with her (or to a nearby location). They always find each other (description of him under Companions).



Stacy's tree house(2).jpg
Written Descriptions:
Her house is two trees.
  • One tree has the "main home" with a covered/enclosed bridge between the second house which has one large open area, which has been converted to a large bathroom. The outside of each side has been left with its old paint/natural wood colors.
  • The are no stairs up to the house, a rope ladder can be thrown down to the ground from the main area.
  • The "main area" has two rooms, a living area, and kitchen/sun room.
  • A small walk way half wraps around the "main home".
  • The door to the main home opens to the West
  • The second/smaller room is on the Eastern side with sun-room/kitchen.
  • Stacy's room is on the southern side and is somewhat rounded.
  • Magical chimineas in each room to heat them up, whisking away and disallowing smoke into the rooms. There are large floor-to-ceiling windows (covered with plush, heavy drapes), and variously colored rugs thrown down everywhere.
  • Inside the larger room (more circular in shape) with bed, has been painted white on the most inside wall, a light green the rest of the way around. There are 3 standing wardrobes, the large four-poster bed, two nightstands, a small table and 2 plush chairs. The windows in her room look westward.
  • So far, the rest of the home was left with natural wood colors, dark on the floor and lighter colors on the walls. All of the furniture throughout comes from Mr Crowley's horde so it is largely very heavy/sturdy pieces with fine detail, very nicely kept, many darker or cherry woods. Wardrobes, chests, tables, chairs, ect, drapes and rugs. Kitchen, living room, and sun room are fully furnished. The second room has no bed (yet) and is mostly being used to store the extra furniture and other stuff.
  • The tub itself was someone else's throw away. It was a large slightly misshapen oval, big enough for two adults or a few rambunctious kids. It was made from wood and Stacy thought perhaps old wine or ale barrels, if the outside was any indication. The thing had been terribly beat up, full of dents and deep scratches on the outside and a crack. All of which she had sanded down to more minimal wear and she had plugged the crack. Whatever legs or encasing it had was gone, so to keep it from rocking or tipping over the tub was 'braced' up on either side by some bricks and extra wood.
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